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Ebenengleichung Koordinatenform In Parameterform

How to Convert a Plane from Coordinate Form to Parametric Form


A plane equation is a representation of a flat plane in a three-dimensional coordinate system. Converting a plane equation from coordinate form to parametric form involves three steps.

Step 1: Solve the Plane Equation for x3

Solve the plane equation for x3 to get an equation in the form x3 = f(x1, x2).

Step 2: Parameterize the Plane Equation

Introduce two parameters, say s and t, and rewrite the equation obtained in Step 1 as:

``` x1 = x1(s, t) x2 = x2(s, t) x3 = f(x1(s, t), x2(s, t)) ```

Step 3: Express Parameters in Terms of s and t

Determine the equations for s and t in terms of x1 and x2. These equations will provide the parametric representation of the plane.
